Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Facts!

I noticed I haven't really given any concrete information about myself.
So here it is!
My name is Leila A. Mills.
I have a rap for my middle name.
I'm a proud undergrad freshman at Regent University.
I'm also a commuter.
I'm majoring in Cinema-Television.
I'm minoring in Journalism.
I love to laugh.
I was voted the Class Clown in high school.
I like meeting new people and making new friends.
I'm hoping to move to New York to start a career.
I love to travel.
I fall asleep easiest in a moving car.
I apperciate creative fonts.
I love colors.

Well those are enough "I's" from me. Feel free to tell me something about yourself!
Until next post, God Bless!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The clouds were so pretty today. Puffy and Pretty. I don't know what we do when we get to heaven but I would hope that God would let us sit on cumulus clouds and watch the world below. Or maybe we could help make those images in the clouds that people see when they turn their eyes to the heavens.

"Do you know how the clouds hang poised,
those wonders of him who is perfect in knowledge?"
Job 37: 16

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My First Post plus a Short Story!

Hello all!

Well I'm proud to say this is my very first blog and I'm pretty excited about it! To start things off I'd like to share a story with you about how God led me to Regent University.

It was only about a year ago from today when I was considering where I wanted to go after high school. Regent wasn't an option or even a twinkle in my eye. After a couple of months of research and planning I had a whole list of colleges to which I would apply. My goal was to get into the cinema program at Virginia Commonwealth University.

But then God got to me.

I was attending a bible study during the school year and it was there that I, for the first time in my life, heard God speak to me. What God told me is a whole different story but when I look back I noticed I started feeling his presence after I first heard him speak.

Regent still wasn't on my list of colleges but then I started getting letters from Regent in the mail. At first, I just ignored them because I was still set on going to VCU. My mom encouraged me to apply to Regent just to see what would happen but I still didn't. I made up excuses to not apply such as not wanting to write anymore essays and not wanting to spend money on application fees.

Except then I received the one letter that blew all my excuses out of the water. It was an opportunity to apply to Regent free of charge and free of essays. It was so quick and easy that I finally took it as a sign and applied.

To make a long story a little bit shorter; I discoverd how wonderful Regent is and received my first acceptance letter from them. I was so stoked. I was rejected from the cinema program at VCU but accepted to the school. By the time the letter from VCU showed up in my mail I had already decided to attend Regent and it has been the best decision of my life! It makes my heart smile to think that God set a meaningful path for me.

It has been wonderful so far and I know these next four years will be amazing!