Friday, December 17, 2010
1 down 7 to go
I highlight all my text just to change the font and then it gets deleted for some odd reason. This happens everytime! I just wrote a heart felt entry on my first semester of college and what a great time I am having at Regent. Then all the text disappears and I can't get any of it back. So I wrote this instead because I'm too tired to rewrite the whole post.
Oh well.
1 semester down, 7 more to go.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Year Long Goals
Well it's basically where you take one photo everyday for a year and post it to...well whatever social network you like.
I have decided that I will take this challenge starting Christmas day. I'm thinking of posting every picture for this project on facebook as well as making a Tumblr account. With the Tumblr I'm hoping to post mini stories of my day or whatever random thoughts I think up that go along with the picture. It's mainly for fun but we will see where it all goes by Christmas 2011.
34 days until Christmas! I haven't been this excited for Christmas for a while. I think it is because I have a new understanding of God and Jesus. Perhaps it is just the joy that I can do so much for other now. I don't really know but I am excited!
Monday, November 8, 2010
It didn't hurt thanks to all the numbing shots. They gave me 10 in total which numbed me up so much that my eye lids even went numb. It really wasn't that bad but I did pysch myself out so much that I was sweating and shaking. At one point the dentist ask me what I was saying, I hadn't realized I was mumbling my inner prayers out loud. It was funny trying to talk afterwards but I didn't enjoy the awkward tingling all over my face. I've always wondered why everything feels so swollen when your numb.
As of now I lay in my bed, watching television, and playing tetris while trying to avoid pain with the medication they gave me. The numbness is gone and I'm thankful for that. Tomorrow is suppose to be the day of ultimate pain but my lovely mother has stocked me up with a stack of good movies, comfy slippers, and soup! God Bless all the Mommas out there. Of course...I'll have to do some homework in between there but overall it should be a slightly pleasant day tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Fall Break
Well I just got back home from Pittsburgh and it's sort of bittersweet. I love my routine and everything I'm involved in but it is always nice to get away to relax and spend time with family. I feel a sense of adventure whenever I'm leaving the Virginia Beach area and a little bit of dread when I head back. Of course I always feel better when I'm comfortably in my home but some days I just want to hop on a train, bus, or plane and head somewhere I have never been before. I just love traveling I guess. J
I usually drive up to PA with my mom and brother but since fall break started before they could get off of work and school I took a 14 hour trip on a train to get to Pittsburgh. To be honest it was the best trip ever! I don't know what it is about the train that was so relaxing but I loved it! It was very peaceful and scenic. I'm hoping to take the train again when I go to D.C. this weekend for the Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert rally! By the way the train stop in D.C. is off the chain! It's three stories and filled with shops, restaurants, memorabilia, and beautiful architect! Oh, and there was some beautiful graffiti. I'm hoping to post a video of all of this as soon as I can get it together but right now I need to get some sleep before my 8 am class. Ahhh! 8 am! I miss vacation already. Haha.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
My First Film Shoot!
We'll technically we are in post production but I'm not apart of that process. Seeing as this was my very first film shoot I have to say it was a pretty excellent experience. We all met at starbucks at 730 which means I had to get my butt out of bed at 545ish. It takes me about 15 minutes to really get out of bed. After a few runs to the dollar store, a parade of cars to our location, and the transformation of a house to a set...we began! It was a long day but it was certainly fun. If there was an award for Best Food from the Director in the 48 it would certainly go to Eric. He bought us all catered food from Rose Bay Seafood! I worked with a good crew. Everyone got along well and was funny. We all worked efficently together and ended an hour earlier than Eric and Scott had originally planned. By the way props to the rest of my crew Alex our screenwriter and cam op who stayed up almost 38 hours straight, Tara who drove all the way from Elizabeth city and help with set up & tear down, Justin who is now in the process of editing with Eric and Scott, JP who starred in the film as well as set up and torn down everything, and Alicia who also starred in the film.
The worst part of the whole experience, if I had to pick a worst part, was how hot the lights got. I mean...I was sweating at one point! It was intense but it was good. Almost too good. I'm afraid the film shoots I'm on from here on out won't live up but I won't know that until I find out and I can't wait to find out!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
It has been done.
I, Leila Mills, have been elected to be your new RUC Vice President!
I can't wait to start my term and make Regent better for all of you. So far the experience has been great. I've already talked with a bunch of students with concerns for the school.
If any of you out there reading this have any questions then feel free to message me on facebook or just leave a comment. I'm here to serve you all.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Between Class Ramble
Let me just tell you now that I have posted...probably about 3 different post but everytime I go to spell check them they delete themselves and I have no way of getting them back! I don't know why that keeps happening but hopefully it won't this time.
The election for RUC is over and I'll find out tomorrow if I made it or not. If not I've decided I won't be too upset. I'll just take it as a sign that my priorities need to be elsewhere. Plus, just because I'm not on the Executive Board doesn't mean I can't attend meetings and help other ways. So it's a win win in every situation.
Topic change!
It's hard being off campus. There is alot of stuff for undergraduate students to do but it's mainly for residents. I've seen paintball games, tie dye parties, movie nights, even a boat race(!) but it usually says on the poster or advertisment....for RESIDENTS!
BooooO! I love the residents but us Off Campus Kids want to have fun too! Hopefully I can make a change in that department. That will be my ongoing quest for the rest of the year.
On another note God has been blessing me left and right. I've been blessed so much at one point I thought I was dreaming. For example, God has been giving me money back from Regent so often that I'm almost finish paying off the one loan I took out. I couldn't believe it! "God is good and he will provide" is what my Momma told me and he certainly has.
Well that's a brief catch up on all things Leila. How are you all doing? Feel free to leave a comment and chat with me.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Leila Mills for RUC VP!

Saturday, September 4, 2010
Mother Daughter Day
The shopping was fun but the best part was lunch. My Mom loves finding local Mom and Pop resturants to support and today we found one that served German and Jewish type food. My grandparents are German so everything on the menu was stuff my Mother use to eat as a kid. She pointed out her Dad's favorite dishes as well as food that her Mother use to make all the time. The menu and atmosphere of the resturant unleashed a flood of childhood memories that I had never heard of before. I felt like my Mother was a treasure chest of knowledge and the key to unlock her was just asking.
It was one of the best memories with my mom but also one of the simplest.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The Facts!
I'm minoring in Journalism.
I'm hoping to move to New York to start a career.
I love colors.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The clouds were so pretty today. Puffy and Pretty. I don't know what we do when we get to heaven but I would hope that God would let us sit on cumulus clouds and watch the world below. Or maybe we could help make those images in the clouds that people see when they turn their eyes to the heavens.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
My First Post plus a Short Story!
Well I'm proud to say this is my very first blog and I'm pretty excited about it! To start things off I'd like to share a story with you about how God led me to Regent University.
It was only about a year ago from today when I was considering where I wanted to go after high school. Regent wasn't an option or even a twinkle in my eye. After a couple of months of research and planning I had a whole list of colleges to which I would apply. My goal was to get into the cinema program at Virginia Commonwealth University.
But then God got to me.
I was attending a bible study during the school year and it was there that I, for the first time in my life, heard God speak to me. What God told me is a whole different story but when I look back I noticed I started feeling his presence after I first heard him speak.
Regent still wasn't on my list of colleges but then I started getting letters from Regent in the mail. At first, I just ignored them because I was still set on going to VCU. My mom encouraged me to apply to Regent just to see what would happen but I still didn't. I made up excuses to not apply such as not wanting to write anymore essays and not wanting to spend money on application fees.
Except then I received the one letter that blew all my excuses out of the water. It was an opportunity to apply to Regent free of charge and free of essays. It was so quick and easy that I finally took it as a sign and applied.
To make a long story a little bit shorter; I discoverd how wonderful Regent is and received my first acceptance letter from them. I was so stoked. I was rejected from the cinema program at VCU but accepted to the school. By the time the letter from VCU showed up in my mail I had already decided to attend Regent and it has been the best decision of my life! It makes my heart smile to think that God set a meaningful path for me.