My best friend Chelsea and I are leaving on Thursday for OHIO!! I am super excited because one of my life goals is to travel to all 50 states and I haven't been to Ohio yet. Plus Chelsea is a whirl wind of fun and our road trip is going to be awesome! I can't even put into words how excited I am. I just wish it was Thursday morning already!
But alas, I have two exams, a film shoot, an interview, and some DQ work to do before I can actually start my summer. There is no time for summer-itis at this stage in the game. There is time to finish up strongly and move on to the next stage of life.
Alright well it is time I got back to studying. I just needed a little break and I thought a blog post would be a good excuse to stop and chill for a minute or two.
I'll end this post with the reminder that Dr. Lyons gave us in class: Enjoy your toils! Basically enjoy life at every stage you are in because we are only here once. Constantly wanting to move on to the next stage of life too soon is not a good thing because you miss out on the adventures in the present.
Be blessed and have a great week all!