Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Divine Intervention for Extra Credit

I am not a perfect student. Don't get me wrong, I certainly try to get all my work done on time to the best of my ability because that is not such a hard thing to accomplish but it doesn't always happen.

Right now I am taking a Script Writing class for my Cinema-TV major. We had to turn in a story bank of 13 ideas that we could work with over the semester. The goal is for one of those 13 ideas to become a full blown, awesomely written script! My story bank was not turned in on time. In fact it was turned in a week late which means I received a zero for the assignment. I didn't mean to turn the assignment in a week late! It just unfortunately slipped my mind and because of that I received my zero honorably and without complaint.

Well the following class my teacher offered extra credit but it was the type of extra credit that only required one person. All of us who raised our hands for a chance at the extra credit had to pick a number between 1-20 and the closest person would be able to complete the assignment. Before I picked my number I said a quick prayer and asked the Lord to let the first number that came to my head be the correct one. Before I even finished my prayer the number 12 popped into my mind and right as it did the teacher called on me. I said 12 and a few moments later I found out I had won the extra credit!

I cheered a little bit too loud when I found out that the number the teacher had chosen was exactly 12 but I...I don't want to say I couldn't believe it but I couldn't! A small prayer for a silly request and God responded so quickly.

The story gets even better because today as I was walking through the COM building to get to my History of Film and Television class I ran into my Script Writing teacher. He told me he would take the extra credit grade and use it towards my zero instead. What a blessing! A zero can have a huge impact on your total grade so I was more than happy that he offered this as an option.

God is so great always!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Me as of Now

I enjoy taking personality test every once and a while because I find it interesting to see how I've changed throughout the years. I just finished up taking a DISC personality test and here are my results! I feel like they hit the nail on the head. This is Me as of right Now.
So this is the pie graph of my personality I guess. If you can't see it I scored 44% Influence, 28% Steadiness, 20% Dominance, 8% Compliance


Comparatively Low

Here are some traits and behaviours that describe people who are comparatively low in Dominance:
  • tend to want peace and harmony.
  • prefer to let others initiate action and resolve problems.
  • are quiet and indirect in their approach to most situations.
  • are usually cautious and calculate risks carefully before acting.
They are generally well liked because of their mild and gentle nature. Other people will tend to see them as being patient, calm, thoughtful and a good listener.


Comparatively High

Here are some traits and behaviours that describe people who are comparatively high in Influence:
  • are strongly interested in meeting and being with people.
  • are generally optimistic, outgoing, and socially skilled.
  • are quick at establishing relationships.
Sometimes their concern for people and people's feelings may make them reluctant to disturb a favourable situation or relationship.


Comparatively Low

Here are some traits and behaviours that describe people who are comparatively low in Steadiness:
  • tend to enjoy change and variety in their work and non-work life.
  • are expansive by nature and tend not to like routine and repetitive work/activities.
They enjoy stretching themselves intellectually and physically.


Comparatively Low

Here are some traits and behaviours that describe people who are comparatively low in Compliance:
  • are independent and uninhibited.
  • resent rules and restrictions.
  • prefer to be measured by results and are always willing to try the untried.
Free in thought, word and deed, they long for freedom and go to great lengths to achieve it.
They feel that repetitive detail and routine work is best "delegated" or avoided.

Try it out for yourself and see what you get!    http://www.123test.com/disc-personality-test/