Friday, February 17, 2012

Nerves Are Killing Me!

I have decided to audition for Regent's Got Talent this year and my talent of choice is stand up comedy.
Ahhhhh why am I doing this!? My audition is tomorrow and I am so nervous. For almost all of my life people have told me I should be a stand up comedian but I don't know if I have that spark. I love telling funny stories or responding to people in a way that makes them laugh but I don't know if I can do that on a stage! In the past when I have intentionally tried to make people laugh it didn't pan out well.

My biggest fear? What if I am not funny? What if my life has been a lie! I don't know what I'll do if I go to my audition and no one laughs. That is like a stab in the heart. THE HEART! I mean I know how to act on stage. I did that in high school.

Wooooo I'm for real freaking out. Hopefully all will go well. It will all go well! I'm just going to get up there and tell it like it is. 

Thanks for letting me vent blog. I blew off a little steam. My heart is still pounding and it probably will be until tomorrow.I'll let you know what happens.

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